
This is a list of all resources exposed by the API. Click links to see details.


Lists all available resources.

Route HTTP Verb Definition
/ GET Get a list of all available resources.


Route HTTP Verb Description
/definitions/heroes GET Get a list of all hero types.
/definitions/heroes/:name GET Get a single hero type.
/definitions/environments GET Get a list of all environments.
/definitions/environments/:name GET Get a single environment.
/definitions/moves GET Get a list of all moves.
/definitions/moves/:name GET Get a single move.
/definitions/environmentalFeatures GET Get a list of all environmental features.
/definitions/environmentalFeatures/:name GET Get a single environmental feature.
/definitions/abilities GET Get a list of all abilities.
/definitions/abilities/:name GET Get a single ability.


Contains user-related data. The only identifier required to select a particular user is the user's uuid, generated by the initial POST request.

Route HTTP Verb Description
/users POST Create a new user. Returns the new User object.
/users GET Get a list of all users.
/users/:uuid GET Get a single user.
/users/:uuid DELETE Delete a single user.
/users/:uuid/heroes GET Get all heroes of a user.
/users/:uuid/universes GET Get all universes of a user.
/users/:uuid/role PUT Update a user's role. Required body parameter: role, must be one of allowed roles.